WeeeeeOoooo... ??? Super! 2007-04-30 16:03:28 - By: Dan

Yeah so... uh-huh. Been gone for a bit. Went to Colorado for a bit. Visited fam for a bit. I don't like Denver.

Queens of the Stone Age have a new Album coming out on June 12th called "Era Vulgaris." Should be super swell.

Ummmmm... I still need to buy a house so I can get a motorcycle and do other cool stuff like build things in my garage and stuff. That would be super sweet. Like rebuild an old truck like this guy did. I like what he did with the LED's in the head lights. Super cool.

I almost own my car. I only owe about $600 on it after May's payment. I'm super stoked. That will be a nice chunk of change I can just pocket every month... or spend on the above mentioned items of interest. That will super own.

Anyway, killin' time with a ramble here. Here's hopin' you have a super wicked awesome rest of the day. Super.

MDA's Carthage "Lock-up Luau" 2007 2007-04-20 08:43:00 - By: Dan

My Mom is participating in the MDA "Lock-up Luau" 2007 in Carthage. If you are interested in helping the MDA you can do so here and at the same time it will help her reach her goal. Here is the message included with the e-mail I got from my Mom about it:

This year, I have the honor and pleasure of participating in MDA's Carthage "Lock-up Luau" 2007 to help "Jerry's Kids®". To reach my goal I need your help!

I'd like to include you or your company on my list of contributors who are helping me reach my goal. Your donation would help MDA continue the important fight against muscular dystrophy. Check out my web page by clicking on the link above. There you'll find all kinds of information about MDA, and be able to make your tax-deductible donation on-line using your credit card.

MDA serves people in our community with neuromuscular disease by providing clinics, support groups, assistance with the purchase and repair of wheelchairs, braces and communication devices, and summer camp for kids. MDA also funds research grants to help find treatments and cures for some 43 neuromuscular diseases that affect people of all ages, right here in our community.

I sincerely hope that you'll take the opportunity to support MDA.

On behalf of the families MDA serves, thank you!

Onslaught (aka Destroyer of Productivity) 2007-04-13 14:16:31 - By: Dan

I have recently been focusing my great mental powers on this game: Onslaught. I am trying to score over 200 million points on one of the maps without using a huge chain of lasers so they will put my name (Atomic Baboon) at the top of the page. If I can accomplish this all of my dreams will have come true and my life will have meaning.

Maybe that's what's wrong... 2007-04-12 23:09:40 - By: Dan

I am "working" down at my favorite place right now and I just overheard part of a phone conversation that included the following phrase: " Business is church and church is business. They're the same thing..."

Maybe that's what's wrong with it... sort of misses the point I think. Who wants their personal and spiritual interactions with people to be treated like business transactions? I sure don't...

Mechanical XEyes 2007-04-11 09:39:40 - By: Dan

I ran across this cool project via my Hack a Day rss feed: Real life xeyes. That would be a fun project to put together. The creator plans on putting up more details and some source code for the project this weekend.

Wikipedia: xeyes

Okay... fine. If you have the right so do I! 2007-04-10 08:52:26 - By: Dan

When in Rome... I figure while we are all running around exercising our new found right to get offended by every little thing I would go ahead and jump on the bandwagon.

Since 1893 people have been partaking of a snack of caramel, peanuts, and pop-corn that carries a racial slur as a name: "Cracker Jack." Today, after over 100 years this insult and belittling of European Americans is allowed to continue and I have had enough.

I hereby call for a public apology from the people who have been responsible for this travesty for the last century. Since the original creators are probably long since dead their family members, who had no control over the situation, will have to apologize for the crimes of their forefathers. I also want formal public apologies from Borden and Frito-lay. This should happen on either the Rush Limbaugh radio program or Savage Nation. It can't be glossed over, if they walk away from this unscathed the next guy can. We don't need a product like theirs in the supermarket aisle. Then, after we are satisfied that they have been properly chastised for their behavior, they need to go to sensitivity counseling.


Or... we could all grow up and not let every little thing get under our poor sensitive skin... whichever makes for more sensational entertainment.

Interesting People 2007-04-06 21:20:38 - By: Dan

I'm working down at The GZ (Geekerz) tonight, which I don't care for much any more. However, every once in a while we get some genuinely interesting people in here.

Tonight I met a guy named Willy. He used to be called Wanderin' Willy. He was a Marine at one time. From what I put together he was in Viet Nam and when he came home he started hitch hiking and didn't stop for the next 30 years or so. Hence the moniker "Wanderin' Willy"

He said that at one time he was homeless living in San Francisco and at that time his address was 101 **Bayshore Blvd Number 3. He lived in a cardboard dwelling near the third column under the overpass where the 101 and Bayshore Blvd intersect. He couldn't afford a place to live on his income there at the time because the city was too expensive. However, he was able to pick up an HTML for Dummies book and he taught himself how to make web pages.

At some point he got into working with computers and from the sounds of it either had a business or worked for a business that involved computer maintenance. He had been working on computers since the DOS 3.0 days. He learned Windows 3.1 when it came out because a customer of his decided they wanted it. He had installed a network of Windows 95 machines in a school at one point, and currently uses XP where he works now. He also mentioned working with Macs for several releases of the OS ( versions 6 though 9 I think it was). He stopped into Geekerz to find out if we taught any classes because he is wanting to learn about Vista. Unfortunately that's not something we do.

His wanderin' days were brought to an abrupt end a while back when he was hit by a car out on the road. So now he has a big steel pin in his leg and has to walk with a cane. He now lives here in Springfield. He works at the Myrl Billings Memorial Veterans Center helping veterans and their families. He told me that they are finding out that agent orange has been linked to Diabetes in Viet Nam vets. I hadn't heard that before so I will have to warn my Dad.

He also brought up his interest in uses of alternative energy sources and asked if I or anyone I knew was interested in that sort of thing. I mentioned my involvement in a solar car project when I was younger and he said that he works with solar energy for cooking. He has a website he put together about some of his projects and sources of information concerning alternative energy: Alternative Energy Engineers. Some of those solar cookers look like they would be cool to put together... yet another project to add to my list.

He was a genuinely friendly and seemed honest, at ease with himself, and very intelligent. I get really sick of being in the store down here all the time but every once in a while someone like Wanderin' Willy shows up, tells a good story and starts up a great conversation and it makes my day.

**Note: I think I have the Bayshore Blvd. part right. I didn't get to write this down right away so I had to look up the 101 on Google Maps and see what intersected with it. Bayshore sounds right.

PROVE YOURSELF PUNY HOOOMANS! 2007-04-06 10:49:15 - By: Dan

I started getting a bunch of comment spam so I added CAPTCHA to the comments. If anyone leaves a comment and you notice any problems with it shoot me an e-mail. My e-mail address is in human readable form at the bottom of the page.

Availability 2007-04-06 09:29:22 - By: Dan

I am working on adding CAPTCHAS to my comments form. Things may or may not stop working at various times while I am doing this.

Springfield Blogger John Stone Passed Away 2007-04-04 13:45:13 - By: Dan

If you are reading this you probably already know that yesterday afternoon John Stone of Curbstone Critic passed away.

One of the first Springfield Blogger's I met was John Stone. He was a hilarious old guy that had a lot of great stories about his life and the Springfield area. I didn't know him very well but from the few times (too few now that I think about it) that I got to enjoy his company at the meetings you could tell he enjoyed life and enjoyed sharing his opinions about it as well as his experience.

I have been a little bummed that I haven't made it to a blogger meeting in a while and this just makes me more bummed. There are people in the group that knew him better than I and some of them have posted about him so I will provide links to those posts. Tony Messenger also has a podcast up from the blogger meeting last night where they talked about John.

Zach Is Here: John Stone Passes Away
Rhetorica: Goodbye John Stone
Chatter: John Stone, 62
Tony Messenger: A Tribute To Curby...
John Stone Tribute Podcast