Attack of the Vicious Meme 2007-07-09 15:03:40 - By: Dan

I figured I would be able to escape the clutches of the Vicious Meme. However, having had his brain infected by its viral control, Secret Drinker led the meme to my secret bunker 40 stories below sea level. I battled with the meme for days, trying to escape its evil clutches but in the end it won. So, here I am, divulging eight of my deepest, darkest secrets to you... my many two's (maybe three's) of readers so that the meme may live to claim more victims.

  1. I too have seen one of the unmarked, black, silent helicopters oft spoke of by conspiracy theorists. I saw it fly low over the (S)MSU campus toward downtown. No one believes me either. You are not alone Secret Drinker!
  2. I was captured by the police and "taken downtown" when I was in 8th grade. My crime: curfew violation! *gasp*
  3. I made it to the rank of Life Scout, just one below Eagle, before quitting Boy Scouts.
  4. I had some art work sold at auction when I was in 6th grade.
  5. I used to play trumpet in the high school jazz band.
  6. Movies about honor and patriotism bring a tear to my eye.
  7. The sight of The Rockies gives me chills.
  8. I've never been outside the lower 48 of the United States.

There you have it. Eight things about me. Let's see, who will battle the meme next... Zach is Here, Ed, and Jipsta.

My meme experience  By: Secret Drinker  On: 2007-07-10 00:01:10.367818

The last thing I remember is the Meme slithering through my office door and me thinking, "Woah. Those are some evil clutches!". I woke up the next morning on the office floor in a pool of my own drool. I saw the Black helicopter on the lawn in front of the Columns IV apartments. A guy got in and the chopper took off with nary a sound. Oh- and I'm sorry I called you "Atomic Baboob". I realized the typo only after it was too late (of course).

Made me cry...  By: Dan  On: 2007-07-12 13:52:54.154670

That's OK. I saw "Atomic Baboob" and thought it was pretty funny actually!

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