SETEC ASTRONOMY 2006-12-21 13:02:00 - By: Dan

The recent entry on 27b Stroke 6 "If You Get Reliable Phone Service, Then Al Quaeda Does Too" they pointed out that the FCC has data on major outages for all the different phone service providers. It would be great if, as the citizens and consumers that pay for this information to be gathered, we could see it and determine which service provider has the fewest outages. That would make it easier to make a wise and informed decision when choosing a cell phone provider, and would probably encourage more competition between providers which would benefit us all in the end. However, when MSNBC requested that information under the Freedom of Information Act, the FCC denied the request stating "Release of the information could help terrorists plan attacks against The United States, and it would harm the companies involved." How is telling me what company provides the best service going to help Terrorists plan attacks against us? "Oh, Ahmad! Sprint has the best service! When we plan our next attack we will use them to coordinate our operations!"

I think what is probably going on is the companies just don't want their customers to see the data because it will force them to be accountable for providing the service they say they are, and the FCC rather than just saying that plays the Terrorist card so people won't question when they don't share the information. "The War On Terror" has lost it's meaning, if it ever had one. It's just turned into the latest over-used excuse that the "elected" give to justify their abuse of power. To keep us in the dark... for our own safety and the safety of our children of course. Yes, the FCC has just saved us from a terrorist attack since the terrorists won't know who provides the best phone service. GO FCC!! YAY!!

Too Many Secrets.

Really??  By: Garrett  On: 2006-12-28 10:04:30.933797

Really...too many what? Granted the example you give above is just plain stupid & serves as an easy way to attack the elected, but what other things are just soooo ridiculous that the government is "hiding"? Cars that run on water? Flying saucers? 911 was planned & undertaken by the US? Or names of spies and the missions they are undertaking? I am seriously just curious what "secrets" you are refering to with the "Too Many Secrets" label. Seems a bit of a blanket statement...

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