Atari Madness! 2006-12-28 15:57:38 - By: Dan

Here's the list of games I have so far:

  1. Pac-man
  2. Combat
  3. Defender
  4. Space Invaders
  5. Asteroids
  6. Berserk
  7. Haunted House
  8. Baseball
  9. Pele's Soccer
  10. Night Driver
  11. Pole Position
  12. Donkey Kong
  13. River Raid
  14. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
  15. Dodge 'Em
  16. Swordquest
  17. Mountain King
  18. Towering Inferno
  19. Galaxian
  20. Missile Command
  21. Slot Racers
  22. Joust
  23. ...and probably some others I can't remember right now...

Here's my wanted list:

  1. Frogger
  2. Mario Bros.
  3. Ms. Pac-man
  4. Adventure
  5. Codebreaker
  6. Vanguard
  7. Breakout
  8. Pitfall
  9. Pitfall II
  10. Dig Dug
  11. Pooyan
  12. ... and some others I can't remember at the moment

I'll update the list later when I have the games and the list in front of me.

I checked out Vintage Stock here in Springfield last night, and they have 2 Pac-man carts, a Combat... and one other... I think it was Defender. They don't have much of a selection. My sister and brother-in-law went to the Vintage Stock in Joplin and found well over a dozen games, so I may have to make a trip there to see what they have left. If all else fails, has a huge selection of games on their web site, and Atari Garage has a small selection as well. If any of you have any Atari cartridges sitting around, collecting dust, and they are on my wanted list, let me know if you would be interested in selling them. Most games on-line only sell for 3 to 4 dollars, but if they are in good condition, with the box and everything they sell for more.

Check out gamexchange on south campbell  By: zprime  On: 2007-01-02 15:55:36.672369

I was in there looking for some SNES stuff and saw they had a ton of games for the 2600....there's a glass case full of em, I'm not sure how many were dupes though.

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