Yeeeesh! 2007-02-07 12:42:36 - By: Dan

Okay... I added a bunch of links to more Springfield bloggers. Mostly the ones I remember meeting... crap... I just remembered some more. Springfield has waaaay too many bloggers now. Anyway, if you don't see your blog down at the bottom in the "Local Links" list, leave a comment and let me know. Those aren't in any kind of order. If you don't see your blog there it probably doesn't mean I hate you. Anyway, if you care whether or not I have a link to you here let me know and what your blog is and all that and I will add it.

*cough*  By: zprime  On: 2007-02-10 20:01:00.638773

i see i don't count as a blogger anymore

Oh... hey  By: Dan  On: 2007-02-12 22:48:02.876564

I didn't know youz wuz blogging again. I shall linkify.

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