Wii Friendly! 2007-02-15 09:57:01 - By: Dan

Finally, attempting to adhere to web standards appears to have somewhat paid off... sort of. My friend Matt has a Nintendo Wii and he downloaded the beta version of the web browser for it, which happens to be a special version of Opera. When I was over there the other night I took a look at my site here and everything looked like it should! So, Atomic Baboon is currently "Wii Friendly" and I didn't even try. How cool is that?

Opera Mini rocks  By: Steve Ole Olson  On: 2007-02-15 18:20:33.079307

I've been using the java-based Opera mini browser on my Nokia 6682 and it's fast and simple. Pretty impressive stuff coming out of Norway (disclaimer - ya hey dere, I am Ole Olson from Norge)

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