Different style... still kinda plain 2006-11-21 12:55:00 - By: Dan

I threw together another style/look. You'll notice it says AtomicBaboon.net... that's because that is a new domain name I bought because I thought it was funny... and stuff... anyway. I can't exactly see if everything for my style is here... there should be an atom looking logo in the upper left, and some gray boxes with rounded corners around my entries here. If you happen to read this and everything look like it is there based on what I have just described, please leave a comment and let me know. I will check it when I get home, but it would be nice to know before then. Also, tell me if it totally sucks. Thanks.

Yep....  By: Dan  On: 2006-11-21 18:13:36.802496

It was borked. Fixed it though.

Looks As Described  By: Garrett  On: 2006-11-22 20:14:55.952135

Looks right, although I must say a little plain still...however, atom logo is cool...just my thoughts as requested...

I like  By: Duane Keys  On: 2006-11-26 16:47:10.279018

It's very clean, simple. I like it.

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