Year Zero 2007-02-26 10:50:23 - By: Dan

Mr. Reznor has a new album "Year Zero" coming out 4/17/2007, just under two years since his last major release "With Teeth." He has some strange viral marketing campaign going on for this one. From what I can tell he has put together some sort of story about the near future. The US has bombed Tehran, invaded several other middle-eastern countries, and officially waged a holy war on Islam. There are sightings of God or what is described as God, and other weirdness.

So far there are two of the new songs available for your listening pleasure on the NIN MySpace page. "Survivalism" and "My Violent Heart" The songs remind me of some of the older NIN. Not quite as poppish as the last album.

Year Zero.

Hmmm...  By: Garrett  On: 2007-02-26 14:47:57 seems that he portrays these multiple bombings of the Middle East & Islamic nations as negative...I would see this type of attempt to wipe out Muslims as a positive. See you later Mohammadens! (I am only being a "little" facetious.)

...  By: lurker  On: 2007-02-26 15:38:49.370994

you are stupid

When Will You Learn...  By: Garrett  On: 2007-02-26 19:11:33.631072

...that the largest problem all the world faces is a religion whose founder committed murder, rape, and thievery, and subsequently taught his followers to do the same. The only thing these people will respond to is action, not pansy peace-dove bs. Sorry that I have offended your shallow, unrealistic sensibilities. Please forgive only my unfettered passion regarding this topic.

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