RE: Vietnam Veterans 2006-12-04 14:06:00 - By: Dan

I just read an entry on Mr. Ron Davis' blog entitled Vietnam Veterans. He quotes an article which discusses how the national commander of the American Legion, Paul Morin, says he is a Vietnam Veteran because he served in the Army during the Vietnam War. He was not stationed overseas however. He was stationed at Fort Dix, NJ. Ron ends his entry with the statement "New Jersey's a long way from Saigon."

Although possibly not considered as heroic a duty, we do need people to run things here while we fight wars there, where ever "there" may be. New soldiers need to be trained and fed, supply chains maintained, etc. Paul may not have been in anywhere near as much danger, but his job was important. Without guys like Paul here doing their job the guys that do get sent overseas can't do their job. Paul did the job the Army needed and ordered him to do at the time. I may be taking Ron's last comment wrong, but to belittle Mr. Morin because his duties did not carry him into battle is in my opinion extraordinarily rude. I would have posted a comment along these lines on Ron's blog, but the CAPTCHA image wasn't displaying so I couldn't at the time. I may try again later.

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