$20 M 2007-07-30 14:44:59 - By: Dan

So, I went to the DMV and had them put the official 'M' on my license to show that I have a motorcycle endorsement. The addition of that letter cost me $20.

The weird thing about that is, when I obtained my motorcycle permit the DMV printed a new license just like they did today. The permit has 'PERMIT' printed in all caps behind the normal license info, and that is only 3 or 4 bucks. I'm not sure why a normal looking license with just the 'M' added is $20.

Anyway, I spent this weekend taking the Rider's Edge New Rider Course which was an extremely valuable learning experience and well worth the $275 fee. I learned that riding a motorcycle properly (i.e. so you don't kill yourself) is not as simple as many people probably think, and that physics is your friend if you let it be. It is an activity that I think demands more respect and caution than most people give it.

The instructors were awesome. Between the two of them they had 60 to 70 years of riding experience. They gave constructive criticism, and shared their years of wisdom about what to look out for on the road, the correct way to react to a situation, and the likely consequences of reacting improperly. I have a great deal of respect for them. I am not big on having the government control when we can or cannot do something we want to, but I think it should be required by the state that people take this course before they get their motorcycle license.

So, I have the basic training, and I have the license. This coming weekend I go pick up the bike. I'm nervous.

PS. If any of you decide to sign up for the Rider's Edge New Rider Course let me know. If I get someone to sign up I get a $50 gift certificate for Cycle Connection.

Motomic Baboon  By: Johnny T  On: 2007-07-30 17:42:48.920096

Congrads on the MC cert. It's a good time of the year to get started so you'll be primed for fall. Fall the season, not the action :)

Congrats  By: Freeformz  On: 2007-07-30 23:50:51.473574

Congrats on passing the course. Put what they told you to use. Keep your head up. UP dammit. See you on Saturday to help you get your new bike home.

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