Atomic Baboon makeover 2007-03-30 10:11:24 - By: Dan

I think I need to adjust the layout of my site. I mentioned before that the way I have things setup doesn't lend itself well to adding more links. Having everything at the bottom like I do is a little cumbersome.

I may give in and do what everyone else is doing and put my links on the side(s). I ran across a GPL'd Word Press plugin for StumbleUpon that lists what you have recently stumbled... upon. I downloaded the source and plan on writing a Python version that I can use on my blog. If I do that I am not sure where I would put the list it produces in my current layout. I would also like to add more links to blogs and websites that I like.

I also need a cartoon baboon. I have an idea in my head and I have tried to get it down on paper but it never turns out the way I want. If any of you know good artists let me know. Maybe if I can explain what I am looking for to someone with a little more talent they could pull it off. A funny looking baboon with a green glowing behind would be funny.

I completed all the songs in Guitar Hero II with 5 stars on Medium difficulty last night. Now I am attempting to play them on Hard. That is an addicting game.

Tonight The Moxie is hosting a free show at The Gillioz. They have details on their site. I am going to try to make it over there. The Gillioz has 1100 seats in it, making it the largest theater in Springfield. I have only seen the lobby so far and it is a pretty amazing building. Then I might grab a tasty beer at Patton Alley.

Anyway... I could keep rambling... but I need to get some work done so I will stop here. Have a good day.

Sunshine 2007-03-29 13:23:23 - By: Dan

I ran across another film called "Sunshine" that looks like it could be really interesting. Set in the future where our sun is dying and mankind sends a group of people to the sun in an attempt to re-ignite it. Of course, they run into problems on the way there.

It has some interesting people starring in it. Martial arts action star Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Tomorrow Never Dies), Cillian Murphy (28 days later, Batman Returns), Chris Evans (Fantastic 4), and Rose Byrne (Troy, Star Wars Episode II, Marie Antoinette) who is also in the upcoming sequel to "28 Days Later" called "28 Weeks Later."

Sunshine is directed by Danny Boyle who did 28 Days Later, Trainspotting, Shallow Grave, and is the executive producer for 28 Weeks Later.

Anyway, it looks pretty cool. It comes out in September. Official Website. IMDB Information.

Day Watch 2007-03-29 13:09:03 - By: Dan

I just read that the sequel to the Russian fantasy horror movie "Night Watch," appropriately entitled "Day Watch," will be released in the US on June 1st.

Trailers and Movie Clips for Day Watch

Dreaming is work 2007-03-26 14:24:13 - By: Dan

I hate dreaming because when you want to sleep, you want to sleep. Dreaming is work. Next thing you know, I have to build a go cart with my ex-landlord. - Mitch Hedberg

Battlestar Galactica 2007-03-25 23:24:31 - By: Dan

I just finished watching tonights episode of BSG and... uh... ummmm... ...whaaaa... errrr... WOW!

Want to learn to write a little code? 2007-03-21 10:55:22 - By: Dan

I stumbled upon a list of free university lectures today and came across one that is an introduction to Python. Python is an easy to understand language, has a huge set of libraries available, and there is a very helpful community of python programmers behind it. If you want to learn to write code Python is a great place to start. That being said, you might find this set of free lectures about Python programming from the Computer Science Department at Caltech helpful. I haven't gone through them yet but it has Powerpoint and PDF documents available for the lectures and also Lab Assignments to give you something to write.

CS 11: Python Track
If you decide to do this and need any help don't hesitate to drop me a line. My e-mail address is shown at the very bottom of the page... or leave a comment and I will get back to you.

John W. Backus (1924 - 2007) 2007-03-20 08:25:25 - By: Dan

From Wikipeida: John W. Backus

John Warner Backus (December 3, 1924 – March 17, 2007) was an American computer scientist. He led the team that invented the first high-level programming language (FORTRAN) and was the inventor of Backus-Naur form (BNF), the almost universally used notation to define formal language syntax. He also did research in function-level programming and helped to popularize it.

He received the 1977 ACM Turing Award "for profound, influential, and lasting contributions to the design of practical high-level programming systems, notably through his work on FORTRAN, and for seminal publication of formal procedures for the specification of programming languages."

I like this quote of his found in the New York Times Obituary about him:

"You need the willingness to fail all the time," he said. "You have to generate many ideas and then you have to work very hard only to discover that they don’t work. And you keep doing that over and over until you find one that does work."

He laid the foundation for what makes it possible for me to do what I do today.

Via Slashdot: John W. Backus Dies at 82; Developed FORTRAN

Threes Rev. 1.1 2007-03-19 10:43:28 - By: Dan

Here's a pretty funny song: Threes Rev. 1.1

Three things trust above all else;
Your knowledge of your craft,
That someone makes a profit,
And that you will get the shaft.

Yet another reason software patents are STUPID 2007-03-19 09:37:02 - By: Dan

Someone patented a linked list implementation. One of the most basic building blocks of organizing and accessing lists of data in a program and someone got a patent on one method in 2006. Why people feel the need to file software patents for blindingly obvious and basic things like this is beyond me. I want to see these people try to enforce this. Linked List - United States Patent 7028023.

Via Slashdot: Linked List Patented in 2006.

Stumbling and ticking people off 2007-03-16 09:40:02 - By: Dan

I have discovered Stumble Upon. I am a little late to the game I think, but I have come across some pretty entertaining things stumbling along through the interblargs recently.

Here is one I just found: HOW TO TICK PEOPLE OFF. What's interesting (maybe disturbing or sad) is that there are some things on that list that I have done and/or do because I think they are funny. It's an entertaining list!

Happy Pi Day!!! 2007-03-14 13:59:27 - By: Dan

The State of Computer Science 2007-03-13 13:07:06 - By: Dan

This is something I have seen people discussing quite a bit recently. I find the question itself laughable and it betrays the lack of understanding on the part of the person asking the question. The question "Is Computer Science Dead?" People think that because there are off the shelf solutions for things like accounting, customer information management, enterprise data management, etc. that we don't need computer scientists any more and they cite the rapid decline of people entering the field in the last 5 to 10 years as a sign of this.

What strikes me as odd is that people forget where all this off the shelf software comes from. The technology that makes it possible for Jimmy to drag and drop his VB application into existence turning him into an uber windows programmer didn't just spring into existence. Computer scientists develop the tools and technology that makes it possible for pretty much anyone to do anything with a computer. They aren't always computer scientists in the sense that they have a piece of paper that says that on it, but that is what computer science is. Without them writing things like compilers, drivers, operating systems, and doing all the dirty work Jimmy won't have software that allows him to drag and drop VB and Flash applications.

We don't have magical technology fairies that just deliver unto us the necessary, low-level tools that make it all possible. We need smart people that actually know how computers work to create those tools. That need will never go away. However, I will say that computer science in the United States may be dying and I don't see that as a good thing.

Too many people here don't understand what it takes to make these things do what they do. I run into people who know how to use Flash, VB, Access, Excel, or any number of other user tools that like to call themselves programmers and knowledgeable computer experts, and expect to be treated as such. I run into people who may actually be good programmers and can actually write software and because of that they expect to be considered on the same level as a computer scientist. In my experience, these two attitudes are common. Unfortunately they are also naive and often times incorrect.

You might be the worlds greatest VB user, and be able to make all sorts of nifty little windows applications, but that doesn't make you a computer expert. You might be able to write a killer, light-weight HTTP server, but that doesn't make you a computer scientist. Being able to do those things does not mean you have the skill set necessary to write a new process scheduler for Linux, optimize a SCSI driver, write a compiler. It doesn't give you a working knowledge of what a computer is actually doing as opposed to what the tools you use allow you to make it do. Think of it as similar to the difference between a kindergartner with a box of 16 crayons drawing a picture for Mommy and Da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa. While the little tyke might be a talented little scribbler, he doesn't understand why colors do what they do or how to stretch his own canvas among a myriad of other things.

Behind the animation, the slick interfaces, the auto calculated values, and self populating fields are layers of code containing complex algorithms, binary floating-point arithmetic, and shifting bits... someone needs to know how that works! Until the need for computer scientists to do what they do some how disappears I don't see how the profession can die. It got us where we are today and it is taking us where we are headed tomorrow.

Is Computer Science Dead?
The death of computing

Tough Decision #Q 2007-03-13 08:51:10 - By: Dan

Which CD(s) should I take to work to rip?

Brain Food 2007-03-13 08:38:40 - By: Dan

There's a good entry at Life Hack entitled "Eat For Productivity." Yet another reason to stop drinking coffee and eat more Sushi.

Definitive Swim 2007-03-09 16:52:55 - By: DJ Eph

Yo yo yo crackaz! Getcho hanz on dis! Definitive Swim. Werrrrrd.

The Definitive 200 or WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!? 2007-03-08 09:18:17 - By: Dan

Ron over at Chatter posted about The Definitive 200. A list of the top ranked 200 popular music albums that according to them every music lover should own. Of course, as expected, their list is completely wrong. This isn't opinion; It is fact!

Keep in mind that your perception is your reality. So if you perceive things differently than I it may appear to you that I am wrong. However, it is important that you keep in mind at all times that if your perception does not present the same picture of reality that mine does your perception is broken. Now that we have that out of the way...

Here's an example of what is wrong with this list. At #21 we have "Come On Over" by Shania Twain. That right there is a dead give away that this list is already completely hosed. It becomes even more apparent we have a problem when ranked right UNDER Shania is "Who's Next" by The Who. It gets worse when we find "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd (the album to be played at my funeral) ranked way down the list at #79! Not only is Shania ranked higher, but so are albums by Faith Hill and The Dixie Chicks!

Let's look a little further. Searching for Tool in the list brought up only one album; Lateralus at #123. Tool... at #123. They left Ænima completely off the list! Who are these people and what are they trying to do to us? Are they even human? Nine Inch Nails didn't make the list at all.

Radiohead's "OK Computer" is ranked at #111. It is the only Radiohead album on the list... no "Pablo Honey" or "The Bends." You wouldn't want to listen to those! Noooooo... but be sure to pick up "Wide Open Spaces," "Home," and "Fly" by The Dixie Chicks! Radiohead is represented by one album. Tool... one album. JOHNNY CASH... ONE ALBUM!!!! POLICE... ONE ALBUM!!!! THE DIXIE CHICKS... 3 ALBUMS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH!!! WHAT!!!???!!! WHO CAME UP WITH... WHY DID... WHAT!!!!????!!!!

There is so much wrong with that list. I could write for hours about it. I've barely even scratched the surface. I just can't take it any more. It's so horrible.

The Reverend Horton Heat 2007-03-02 16:22:48 - By: Dan

That was a great show. I've gone to some shows at small venues like Remington's before, but this is by far my favorite. It was a good time. Good fun music, and they were taking requests from the audience. They don't play with a set list which I thought was cool. I dig it man. I'll definitely be there the next time they are in town.


Reverend Horton Heat 2007-03-01 13:37:27 - By: Dan

I'm going to check out the Reverend Horton Heat show tonight at Remington's in Downtown Springfield, MO. Should be interesting.