Atomic Baboon makeover 2007-03-30 10:11:24 - By: Dan

I think I need to adjust the layout of my site. I mentioned before that the way I have things setup doesn't lend itself well to adding more links. Having everything at the bottom like I do is a little cumbersome.

I may give in and do what everyone else is doing and put my links on the side(s). I ran across a GPL'd Word Press plugin for StumbleUpon that lists what you have recently stumbled... upon. I downloaded the source and plan on writing a Python version that I can use on my blog. If I do that I am not sure where I would put the list it produces in my current layout. I would also like to add more links to blogs and websites that I like.

I also need a cartoon baboon. I have an idea in my head and I have tried to get it down on paper but it never turns out the way I want. If any of you know good artists let me know. Maybe if I can explain what I am looking for to someone with a little more talent they could pull it off. A funny looking baboon with a green glowing behind would be funny.

I completed all the songs in Guitar Hero II with 5 stars on Medium difficulty last night. Now I am attempting to play them on Hard. That is an addicting game.

Tonight The Moxie is hosting a free show at The Gillioz. They have details on their site. I am going to try to make it over there. The Gillioz has 1100 seats in it, making it the largest theater in Springfield. I have only seen the lobby so far and it is a pretty amazing building. Then I might grab a tasty beer at Patton Alley.

Anyway... I could keep rambling... but I need to get some work done so I will stop here. Have a good day.

Brain Food 2007-03-13 08:38:40 - By: Dan

There's a good entry at Life Hack entitled "Eat For Productivity." Yet another reason to stop drinking coffee and eat more Sushi.

Chicago Gyros & Deli 2006-11-22 13:11:00 - By: Dan

If you head North up Glenstone past Commercial, just after you pass under the railroad bridge on the east (right) side of the road is Chicago Gyros & Deli. It is in what used to be a burger drive through, and it looks pretty rough on the outside, but they make great tasting, greasy Gyros. Five bucks gets you one of these babies, and they are packed with tender lamb, big chunks of tomato, thinly sliced onion, with tasty Tzatziki sauce all wrapped in a pita to soak up all the goodness. For 2 bucks more you get a heaping handful of seasoned fries and a drink. It ain't the healthiest meal, but it is really good... and the girl that works there is cute too. If you haven't tried it, consider this my official recommendation. They also have other dishes to go that sound good, but I haven't tried any of them yet. However, I have heard from a couple reliable sources that their Bacon Double Cheese Burger is awesome.