Hacking for Harry? 2007-06-22 09:12:00 - By: Dan

I was just reading an entry over on Threat Level (formerly 27b Stroke 6) about a "Hacker" that supposedly gained access to publishing company Bloombury's internal network where he found a copy of the final Harry Potter book.

Reading this, a few things came to mind. First of all, my BS Monitor picked up on some stink. Second of all I thought to myself, "Why would someone waste the time and take the risk to break into a network to steal a copy of a Harry Potter novel?" Third, why are they calling this script-kiddy a hacker? Honestly, he sent an e-mail to someone that had malware attached. When the recipient opened the attachment it provided him with the means to access their network. Most likely the guy downloaded it from some 31337 h4x0r site and attached it to the e-mail. Of course, there may have been some degree of social engineering involved to get the recipient to actually open the attachment. However, in my experience, these guys usually end up being wannabes looking for attention trying to prove they are 1337. Lacking the know how they download something written by someone who actually does know what their doing.

Assuming the guy did write it I still don't understand why he would waste the time to steal a Harry Potter book. I mean, seriously... come on. There are an infinite number of more entertaining if not more productive things to waste your time on. It all just seems silly to me. Anyway... yeah... there you go... I just think it is stupid.

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