Soldier's Poem 2007-02-14 16:08:09 - By: Dan

Some interesting lyrics from Muse:

Throw it all away
lets lose ourselves
because there's no one left for us to blame
it's a shame we're all dying
and do you think you deserve your freedom?
how could you send us so far away from home
when you know damn well that this is wrong
I will still lay down my life for you
and do you think you deserve your freedom?
no I don't think you do
there's no justice in the world
there's no justice in the world... and there never was

I don't know the story behind those lyrics or the song. I think I understand where the speaker is coming from though... I can't say I know, but I understand.

Question  By: Garrett  On: 2007-02-14 19:12:34.498744

Song & album? I don't remember. Seems relevant though as I am sure they are simply playing off of the Iraq War and the European ethic that everything that the US does is wrong and immoral (cuz it's "cool")...even though Europe has no backbone, nor the courage to act, and have no moral compass whatsoever. Always like to see relativists, who believe in movable truth and situational ethics giving us the business for actions against tyrants & murders. (Oh for the days of true leaders like Wilberforce & Churchill in Europe.) If the song predates Iraq, then kudos for writing the epitome of war. Many soldiers probably feel that way; but I am sure many do not as well. God bless 'em either way.

Black Holes and Revelations  By: Dan  On: 2007-02-14 23:54:22.056726

Soldier's Poem is a song from their latest album. Like I said though, I don't necessarily know exactly what is being said, but I understand the sentiment.

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