Wanted: Collaborator(s) 2007-05-02 15:06:42 - By: Dan

After reading "Do you need a Collaborator, or a Schemer?" I think I've identified the reason why projects I have attempted or been involved in in the past were never fruitful. I am a schemer as are many of my friends. I think we need a collaborator to get things moving. So, I am looking for a collaborator or collaborators who might be interested in a programming project. My initial thoughts are it will involve Python, Ajax, and C. Possibly using Django as the web frame work. If you read this and it sounds like something you'd be interested in let me know. My e-mail address is dfeather at acm dot org (or leave a comment with your e-mail address and I will contact you).

Right now it is just a vague idea and I hope to meet with some of my fellow schemers to get the idea more solidified soon. I don't want to get any more specific than that right now. If the languages and tools mentioned above change I will post an update about it.

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